Google threshold javascript code with video


If you have any questions please let us know.

(We are mostly 1 day 1 time online. We dont work mostly in the weekends.)

We do not offer mentorship or instructions for any product. We just sell them.

If you write us nice feedback(s), than you will receive a massive bonus gift-pack FREE as a thank you. And we write also nice feedback(s) for you. (After your nice feedback(s) please send us a message with your ordernumber(s).)

Thank you for accepting our policy!


Refund policy


* If you ask refund, than we have to make a investigation. So you have to give us answers to our questions. If your answers are correct and you have a good reason, than we will always refund your (digital) order. But if you have nothing reason and you didnt read the whole ad before your order, than we refund nothing.

* We will not help you when you leave a bad review before messaging us first to find a solution.

* If you give us bad review, than we write also for you bad review and we sell never more for you. (The buyers can get also reviews on this market, but these reviews can see just the vendors. Please read the rules of the website.)